Soccer Sunday today. Jet kept trying to chase the ball while the girls were warming up, so I took him for a walk until game time. While Coach was warming up the girls, Graham twiddled his thumbs and looked around the park. Poor guy had a panic attack when, whilst scanning the park, he couldn't see me, but could see another woman walking what he thought was Jet. Being a bit of a worrier, he naturally assumed I'd had some sort of accident and that this good Samaritan was trying to find the dog's owner. He went trotting over and said "Uh, that looks like my dog". The woman said "Oh, is your dog Jet? This is his sister Stella." Turns out that with Jetty's new haircut, they look identical. Crisis averted. (Before you get all dewy eyed and think his concern is romantic in the Michelle/Barrack vein, rest assured that Graham is much more pragmatic than that. His main concern would have been - "Who'll do the laundry if something's happened to Diana?")
We first met Stella a couple of weeks ago, also at the soccer park. Carrie came over with her dog to say hello. She asked if Jetty was a Portie and I said "yes", and asked about her dog, who turned out also to be a Portie. She asked which breeder we used and when I told her, she broke out into a big smile and asked "Is this Jet?" Turns out we met almost exactly a year ago at soccer and she had fallen under his spell. I'd given her the breeder's info and the rest is history - her dog Stella and Jetty are brother and sister (same parents, different litter). Basically, it's our fault they have a dog.